Wednesday, 22 July 2015

fourth date with mr. chemo #chemopoetry

here we go again mr. chemo
our fourth date should be as great
as those bottles of sable champagne
standing next to the engagement ring
you bring

i guess  it's the perfect excuse
to get sloshed on expensive plonk
to cleanse my stiffening veins
don't  you think mr. wrong?

let's pop the cork dear mr. chemo
are we going to have a party
or to recite a false poetry?
i'd rather have a bubbly date
but this time, you pay the memo

Thursday, 2 July 2015

third date with mr. che #chemopoetry

yesterday was a great momento
twas my third date with mr. chemo
two bottles of black wine
completed the fine dine

exquisite liquid served
diluted into my veins
crept up my nerves
frozen my brain

mr. chemo, mr. chemo
wears no tuxedo rides no limo
ready with bottles of black wine
and i shan't whine
for the taste of the wine
always difficult to comprehend

the fourth momento
is about to come before agusto
but damned mr. chemo
keeps forgeting to pay the memo