two a.m
down the road
to the coffee booth
at the corner of a '24 hour cafe'
cuppa coffee
brought rusty memories
outta my tummy
jelly beans on table
i wouldn't let em stumble
so i stored em all
back in the jar
one by one
four a.m
clock was tickin
counted every breath corrupted
and the smell of my coffee
drenched my brain
i saw you there
brewed the debris
and blended the milk
with that old rotten cheese
no need to find excuses
to sink your lies
in the dregs of my coffee
they settled to the bottom
of my cup
where i could find
your crumblin integrity
in disembodied voices
three a.m
i felt content with silence
the droplets of the dawn
wet the beans jar and
blanketed the smell of my coffee
with the unknown lust
you spilled my coffee
you drove me crazy...
so i hit you on the head
and before the cock was ready to crow
i sent your old mom
to deep sorrow...