Sunday 30 April 2017

sleepless night

to the murder of crows watching me so close,

if you steal my nights
give 'em back before my heart breaks

under the stars i wait with bandages -
tightened to the plot i recognize not

may 1, 2017

the poet surrendered her papers
to the wind that whispers
those scattered letters
chose to dance with the singing feathers
and she unleashed her broken fears

Thursday 2 March 2017

(this morning, a friend sent encouraging words,
asked me to keep fighting against cancer that invades my body,
suddenly i realized something tremendous)

Christ healed my cancer two thousand years ago
so i too, have finished fighting against it

like Job who fought not
but guarded his heart
of what he believed came from God
i now fight for my faith
the faith that deserves
every drop of blood of mine 
and every pus drips from my wound
they don't spill out for no reasons

every pain i savor
is a drip of faith refilling my vessel's prayers,
let ugly stiches on my body
be like lovely rosary beads
tattooed on my skin

help me guard my faith, friends
till i finish the end line
i know victory will be mine
as in Him all things will be more than just fine
yes, i know my life isn't that 'grand'
yet i won't regret every single time
for in Him i shan't complain

let my lips keep praising
and my heart keep rejoicing
though life pushes me to its fiercest brim
help me return all the glory to Him
for Christ has pinned  my cancer on the cross
two thousand years ago...

(by His wounds, i have been healed...1 peter 2:24)

FeRa, feb'17

Tuesday 28 February 2017


the smell of the rotten flesh
occupies the breastless chest
the youth's pride has left
leaving her in a terrible mess

the smell of the rotten flesh
parches the faith onced firmly confessed
the fiercest test of her life
was started in the decaying breast

Friday 3 February 2017

His grace's sufficient

stage four they said,
nothing could be done
just choose the options
the one that suits your pocket size
how long, I asked
as long as you live, they said
and i walked away with a grateful heart
my pocket's full with hope
His grace's sufficient,
i said..


nov 25, 2016

when they say,
it's terminal!
i say,
well... nothing is eternal

if you know victory will be your final,
why bother?

Tuesday 31 January 2017


four b yet manage to be happy
couldn't find any reasons not to be
it's the grandest life from Thee

only by Thy mercy i see it differently

thank  Thee for sinking me
in the beauty others may not see