Monday 27 February 2012

answer me not (1)

should i humbly praise
or merely mesmerize
the heavy life you named as sacrifice?

from the  dark cold womb
where you kept me custody
to the deep open wound
carved on my entire body
                         ... i try to understand
                         ... my apology, i let you down
you brought me to this garden
in hope i could find my own Eden
yet you saw me as a burden
deserved to be abandoned
         somehow, the rain preached you not to,
         for that was certainly forbidden
                          ... i try to understand
                          ... my apology, i bring you down

had you stayed there, you would've seen
how this thing called burden
struggled to find the path hidden
in that garden…
wondered how  the warmth of your arms
had changed hopes into ropes
 ... i wished it would've turned to gold
                         ... my apology, i fail to comprehend

should i humbly praise
or merely mesmerize
the heavy life you named as sacrifice?
@ made in poem


  1. Very moving. Thank you for sharing.

  2. your welcome alinacathasach :)

  3. Ouch! This miracle survival and subsequent question moved me!

  4. thanks for reading Susan. hope you enjoy all poems in this blog :)
