Sunday 24 January 2016

i can-cer-vive

through the valley of darkness
where the dark shadows melted in the air
and the black clouds pretend to be harmless
she finds her soul so debonair

nothing could dim the sparkle from her heart
not even a threatening angel of death
she knows she's no immortal
yet she believes; to her creator she's special

she whispers in the ear of every stranger
she tells  her loved ones loud and clear
"i am the apple to His eye and
i can-cer-vive"

when hope is swallowed by the dust
what to hold but promises that forever last
when the wicked comes to eat up her flesh
she's  rescued and let to rest

because He who makes the clouds His chariot never forsaken her
she shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty
under His wings she shall take refuge

she can-cer-vive ...
because her Father listens to her prayers



  1. Love and only love He gives to us. No matter how the world treats us or circles us with its rage, God will never leave us. Glad to know this inspiring words, that I may have forgotten for long just because I let myself drown in me and myself

  2. His love is sufficient dear Neny and our faith will make it lingers. ♡♡♡
